Knoxville Fire and Rescue has announced the acquisition of FirstNet phones and digital service for the department. FirstNet is a nationwide public safety broadband network, designed to support hospitals and other emergency care teams. Their mission is to deploy, operate, maintain, and improve the first high-speed, nationwide wireless broadband network dedicated to public safety. Chief Cal Wyman tells KNIA/KRLS News the department made the switch to make sure the important communication needed by the department in times of need is always available. He says the service the department was using had gaps and additional problems at times when it is needed the most such as during Nationals. He says everything his department does is web based or data based and it really handcuffs his crews if the service is not available. Wyman says the FirstNet service is for government entities only and on a different wavelength so only government agencies are on it, allowing his department to always have signal in times where large amounts of people can slow and reduce reception. Wyman says a key for every department is to be able to communicate effectively, and without the proper communication his department can’t function the way they need to. To hear the complete interview with Chief Cal Wyman, tune in to today’s Let’s Talk Knoxville.