
With spring right around the corner, and warmer temperatures in the immediate forecast some area residents are using this time to begin their annual spring cleaning. When it comes to cleaning up your yard there are a few things the city of Knoxville would like residents to remember. Community Service Officer with the Knoxville Police Department, Arlene Worrall tells KNIA/KRLS News when residents clean up their yards it’s important to keep the yard waste in their yard. She says all grass clippings, leaves or yard debri is not permitted in city streets as it can cause problems with the city’s sewer system as well as result in a fine for the homeowner. Worrall says recently the city has been trying to clear city right-of-ways from dead or damaged trees. She says the right-of-way is the city-owned strip of land between the street and sidewalk. If any resident has a dead tree in the right-of-way they are asked to call the city and have their address put on a list so the city can remove the tree in a timely manner. She says if anyone ever has any questions regarding the city code, they can always call the Knoxville Police Department to get their question answered. For more information and to hear the complete interview with Worrall, tune in to today’s Let’s Talk Knoxville.