The Pella Area Community & Economic Alliance is entering its fourth year as an organization and many of the initial business-related challenges PACE members faced have either been tackled or are underway, according to Executive Director Karen Eischen.
The PACE Alliance has partnered with Eric Sickler, longtime resident of Pella, and is launching the Listening Tour to ask for the community’s input in order to guide them in creating a strategic plan for the next 5 – 15 years.
Over the next several months, Sickler will sit down with nearly 100 groups, businesses, schools, organizations, foundations, city council, and individuals to better understand what’s important to Pella area residents, companies, and their employees. “The goal is to capture the vision of our community and put together a plan to achieve it,” Sickler said.
Once the data has been collected, he will present it to a steering committee made up of members of the PACE Alliance.
There is a public survey with the same questions Sickler will be asking on the Listening Tour.
See survey at: https://pella.org/