An opportunity for people to understand more about climate change and how it affects us will take place on Saturday, March 21st as Nearwood Winery and Vineyards will host Denise Franck, a volunteer with the Climate Reality Project. Franck will present a free, non-partisan discussion on the facts about and potential solutions for the crisis affecting us at home and around the globe. Franck is one of thousands of volunteers in 135 countries who have been trained to educate the public about the changes in our global climate from the Climate Reality Project The event will be held at 1:00pm at the winery located at 1699 Hwy 14 south of Knoxville. Appetizers, beverages and wine by the bottle or glass will be available. No reservations necessary. For more information contact Joann Schissel, Nearwood Winery & Vineyards, via email at nearwoodwinery@gmail.com.