The Indianola Noon Lions Club is celebrating 90 years in Indianola this year, and is inviting the public to a meat raffle fundraiser next Saturday. Tom Charlton with the Indianola Noon Lions Club tells KNIA News the meat raffle will be held in the New England style, with 13 rounds people can purchase tickets for, with over 200 items of meat with all different cuts, and over 30 different prize baskets and a $500 gas grill as a grand prize. Charlton also said it will be a night with a lot of humor, winning meat, and spending time with friends and family which is what it is all about. Tickets are required to attend the meat raffle, and must be purchased by Tuesday. For more information on the Indianola Noon Lions Club celebration meat raffle fundraiser, tune in to today’s Let’s Talk Indianola.
Contact Tom Charlton at (563) 299-9451 for tickets.