
The Knoxville City Council met in regular session Monday. The council approved an intergovernmental transfer of a public funds agreement between the Iowa Department Of Human Services and a Ground Emergency Medical Transportation Provider which is needed in order to provide the non-federal share of the reconciled cost reimbursement amount for uncompensated Medicaid cost to the city. They approved a resolution accepting the bid of $529,815 from TK Concrete, awarding the contract and approving the certificate of insurance for the Roche Street Culvert Replacement Project as well as approved an agreement with Cayler Consulting, LLC to help with recruitment of the next Knoxville Police Chief.

 At the end of the meeting, CEO of the Knoxville Hospital and Clinics, Kevin Kincaid updated the council on the preparedness of the hospital to deal with COVID-19. Kincaid told the council the hospital is able to test for COVID-19, however, people can’t just come in and get a test because of the availability of test kits. He says the hospital will treat individuals based on the conditions present. Kincaid says the hospital is setting up a temporary building outside to screen individuals before they enter the hospital. He says the hospital will try to make a determination of what the patient needs before asking most patients to return home and self quarantine. The next regularly scheduled Knoxville City Council meeting will be held on Monday, April 6th.