
Photo from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The Marion County Board of Supervisors met in closed session Tuesday. After going into open session, they approved a disaster declaration for the county that will put Marion County in line for additional funding from state and federal resources. In addition to the disaster declaration the supervisors suspended all non-essential work related travel for county employees until further notice and all county employees are encouraged to limit discretionary travel. The board also advised that employees who return from traveling out-of-state will be required to self-quarantine for 14 days, and provide notice to their department heads prior to returning to work. Starting Wednesday, services at the Marion County Treasurer, Assessor, and Recorder have been suspended, or have limited access. The Auditor’s office is closed to the public, with the exception of receiving candidate filing papers through 3/25/2020.


Voter registrations can be done on the Iowa Secretary of State’s website. 

The following services will be available online at marioncountyiowa.gov:


o Treasurer’s Office 828-2202

▪ Property tax and motor vehicle renewals

▪ Renewal of Iowa Driver’s License, in accordance with DOT guidelines

▪ If you need to transfer a title you may call the treasurer’s office at 641-828-2202

for step by step instructions.


o Assessor’s Office

▪ A citizen can apply for Homestead Credit, Military Exemption

▪ Business Property Tax Credit

▪ Petition Forms are available

▪ Access any property information via Beacon services, Ags Sales Book.

▪ Rent reimbursement Form


o Recorder’s Office 828-2211


▪ Hunting or fishing license or renewal online

▪ Regarding information concerning fees for Boat, ATV, Snow Machines – call and

send check. It can be processed via mail.

▪ Request vital records by mail from the County or go to Vitalchek.com to access

the State of Iowa or call 866-809-0290

▪ Record or search land records at Iowalandrecords.org or mail to Marion County

Recorder, 214 E Main St, Knoxville IA 50138

▪ Passport office closed until further notice


o Marion County Public Health will conduct business on an appointment only basis

▪ Call 641-828-2238 x 0 or your program contact for appointment

▪ Meals On Wheels services will continue to be provided

▪ Environmental Health is continuing its functions. Contact Bridget at 641-828-

2238 x251

▪ WIC will still provide benefits, but limited person-to-person contact is now in

effect until further notice. Please call WIC for further information 641-828-2238


▪ I-Smile Program is discontinuing direct services until further notice.

o Zoning

▪ Building permits

▪ Septic permit

▪ Complaint

▪ Land division online

▪ Request for rezoning

▪ 641-828-2231 x7


o The physical location of the Marion County Sheriff’s office, located at 211 N. Godfrey is

closed to the public

▪ All inmate visits can be conducted online at inmatecanteen.com

▪ In the event of an emergency, please dial 9-1-1 as Law enforcement and

emergency response will continue their regular shifts.

o For more details and updates for the Marion County offices, you can visit
