The City of Indianola has announced that city services will remain in effect during the Governor’s proclamation of an emergency, and the Police Department, Fire Department, Public Works (Streets and Parks), and Water Pollution Control are continuing their work while taking the appropriate safety precautions. City Manager Ryan Waller tells KNIA News all city staff are available by phone, and the important thing is to remain calm.
“I think everybody understands the fluidity of everything that is going on here. So one of the things that we constantly bring up during our meetings is that we have to stay calm, be flexible, and communicate clearly and often. And it’s business as usual. That’s the most important part for us, we don’t have the luxury of stopping our operations. If we do that impacts police, that impacts fire, and all the other things we have to do.”
Waller also said the city council meeting next week will be streamed to the public, and there are forms residents can fill out if they want to provide public comment to the council beforehand.