Hy-Vee, Inc. announced Wednesday that, in response to customer requests, it will be reserving one hour of shopping time prior to its new opening time each day for customers considered “high-risk.”
“We are extremely concerned about the spread of this virus, and want to respond to our customers who are at higher risk of serious illness by offering them a time where they may feel a bit safer shopping in our stores,” said Randy Edeker, Hy-Vee’s chairman, CEO and president.
The reserved hour will be from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m., seven days a week, and is designed for these customers ages 60 and older, expectant mothers and anyone with an underlying health condition(s) that makes him/her more susceptible to serious illness
Pharmacies in most Hy-Vee locations will also be extending their hours so they can serve this group of customers from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. These locations include pharmacies inside the grocery stores, Mainstreet locations, Dollar Fresh stores and Hy-Vee Drugstores. All other customers are asked to please respect this hour reserved for these at-risk customers, and limit their shopping to Hy-Vee’s new store hours of 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., seven days a week.