The Indianola Community School District will be providing lunches for district students ages 3-18 beginning Monday. The lunches will be “grab-and-go” and served on a daily basis, available Monday-Friday for the duration of the school closure. The lunches will be provided at:
Emerson and Whittier Elementary – 11:30 to 12:30
Laura Ingalls Wilder – 11:30 to 1:00
One meal per child will be distributed from school busses parked in designated areas, and are not intended to be consumed on-site. The meals will be served out of the busses under the direction of a trained food service employee. The van driver will transport meals from sites with surplus meals to those which run low. Meals will be stored in coolers throughout the distribution process, so that excess meals may be handed out the following day. All safety precautions are being taken with employees. For more information, visit the school website below.