Photo from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
2019 Coronavirus Situation Update – As of 3/19/2020 – 4:00pm
For Immediate Release: March 19, 2020
Marion County Joint Information Center
Contact: Rachel Garner, Asst Director, Public Information Officer
Marion County Public Health Department 641-828-2238 x 223
COVID-19 Community Spread Confirmed in Iowa, Marion County Leadership take additional measures to limit the spread within the county.
The Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a rapidly, changing situation. Due to detection of substantial community spread in Iowa, new recommendations are being made and new mitigation measures should be implemented immediately for Marion County residents.
- Community spread occurs when individuals have been infected with the virus in an area and cannot specifically identify the source of the infection, or do not know how or where they became infected.
COVID-19 New Details:
- Gov. Reynolds issues a State of Public Health Disaster Emergency https://governor.iowa.gov/press-release/gov-reynolds-issues-a-state-of-public-health-disaster- emergency
- President Trump has made a proclamation declaring a National Emergency concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) outbreak
o The President’s Coronavirus Guidelines for America:15 Days to Slow the Spread as of
▪ Listen to and follow the directions of your state and local authorities.
▪ If you feel sick, stay home. Do not go to work. Contact your medical provider.
▪ If your children are sick, keep them at home. Do not send them to school. Contact your medical provider.
▪ If someone in your household has tested positive for the coronavirus, keep the entire household at home. Do not go to work. Do not go to school. Contact your medical provider.
▪ If you are an older person, stay home and away from other people.
▪ If you are a person with a serious underlying health condition that can put you at increased risk (for example, a condition that impairs your lung or heart function or weakens your immune system), stay home and away from other people.
▪ Even if you are young, or otherwise healthy, you are at risk and your activities can increase the risk for others. It is critical that you do your part to stop the spread of the coronavirus:
▪ Work or engage in schooling from home whenever possible.
▪ If you work in a critical infrastructure industry, as defined by the Department of Homeland Security, such as healthcare services and pharmaceutical and food supply, you have a special responsibility to maintain your normal work schedule. You and your employers should follow CDC guidance to protect your health at work.
▪ Avoid social gatherings in groups of more than 10 people.
▪ Avoid eating or drinking in bars, restaurants, and food courts – use drive-thru, pickup, or delivery options.
▪ Avoid discretionary travel, shopping trips, and social visits.
▪ Do not visit nursing homes or retirement or long-term care facilities unless to provide critical assistance.
▪ Practice good hygiene o More information can be found at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html
All information included in this Situation Report is current as of the time and date identified above. All Information in regular text is current information. All text with strikethrough text identify outdated or completed information. New information is highlighted.
2019 Coronavirus Situation Update – As of 3/19/2020 – 4:00pm
- Governor Reynolds announced that effective immediately, schools will be closed for the next 4 weeks in adherence to CDC Guidance.
o Schools who have announced closure are Knoxville Community School District, Twin
Cedars Community School District, Pleasantville Community School District. Pella Community Schools have also announced their closure for 4 weeks. Other area schools TBD.
- Gov. Reynolds provides update to the state of Iowa, additional COVID-19 case in Iowa 3/16/20
o The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) also has been notified of one additional
positive case of COVID-19 in an Iowa resident, for a total of 23 positive cases. According to IDPH, this individual is a resident of Dallas County. As of 3/18/20 there have been 29 reported, positive cases in Iowa. As of 3/19/20 there have been 38 reported, positive cases in Iowa 44 reported, positive cases in Iowa. o IWD announced assistance for workers and employers impacted by layoffs related to
COVID-19. The guidance includes information for employees filing for unemployment insurance claims, as well as information on programs available for employers. o For more information regarding COVID-19 related unemployment insurance claims,
please visit the Iowa Workforce Development site at https://www.iowaworkforcedevelopment.gov/
- The CDC updated its mass gathering guidance to postpone for the next 8 weeks any events with 50 or more people; 10 or less people is now recommended.
- Gov. Reynolds signed a Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, activating the disaster response and recovery aspects of the Iowa Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management’s Iowa Emergency Response Plan.
- The United Way 2-1-1 hotline feature has been activated for all Marion County residents who have questions regarding Covid-19. http://www.211.org/services/covid19#FAQ
- We have activated a Joint Information Center here at the SEOC and want to ensure that we share information with the County EMAs and PIOs. Communications are a vital part of emergency response. Please take the time to fill out this short questionnaire by end of the day Wednesday, March 18, 2020 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfnXNjz- tow4aPcrR0fvdxWRlcKcMlVIIbc2TA_RMRICv9o-Q/viewform?fbzx=4246745801276005765
- Representation from both Knoxville and Pella area hospitals are requested for the next Marion County Board of Supervisors meeting to be held on 3/18/20 at 1pm, location 3014 E. Main Street, Knoxville, IA 50138. Only one representative is requested per hospital in order to limit the amount of participants during this meeting.
What can Marion County residents do to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19?
Residents should continue following CDC Recommended guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19:
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Stay home when you are sick.
- Cover your mouth with your upper arm or tissue when coughing or sneezing.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
- Social distancing – remain 6 or more feet away from other individuals
- No group activities with 10+ people
Disinfecting your home if someone is sick: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019- ncov/prepare/disinfecting-your-home.html
Steps to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 if you are sick: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019- ncov/if-you-are-sick/steps-when-sick.html
All information included in this Situation Report is current as of the time and date identified above. All Information in regular text is current information. All text with strikethrough text identify outdated or completed information. New information is highlighted.
2019 Coronavirus Situation Update – As of 3/19/2020 – 4:00pm
Useful links regarding COVID-19
- Please follow all media releases regarding COVID-19 in Marion County, Iowa by visiting:
o Facebook: https://fb.me/MarionCountyIAResponsetoCOVID19
▪ 3/18/20 Press release from Marion County representatives can be found here. o Twitter: https://twitter.com/MarionCoCOVID19
- Marion County residents can find the most up-to-date information regarding COVID19 by visiting us at our website at http://www.marioncountyiowa.gov/ , the Iowa Department of Public Health Coronavirus, and the Centers for Disease Control Coronavirus.
- You can also learn more by visiting https://idph.iowa.gov/Emerging-Health-Issues/Novel- Coronavirus. Along the left side of the screen, you will find guidance for your business and organization, health care, long term care, the general public, schools, travel and prevention.
- Information regarding how COVID-19 is impacting us globally: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/
- For press releases, articles and news updates related to the Governor’s vision for Iowa, please visit https://governor.iowa.gov/newsroom
- If you need assistance finding food, paying housing bills, accessing free childcare, or other essential services, find your local 211 or dial 211 to speak to someone who can help. http://www.211.org/services/covid19#FAQ
- COVID-19 DHS Resources ***Guidance is rapidly changing as the COVID-19 pandemic unfolds. Please check regularly for the latest information*** https://dhs.iowa.gov/COVID19
Local News in Marion County:
- Food Relief
- Schools will begin providing food relief soon for students in the Marion County school district. Below are details for each school and what assistance they are providing:
o Melcher-Dallas community school district – MD families can apply through USDA to
provide meals for students by drive-thru, grab-and-go, or other methods during school closures related to the COVID-19 outbreak. These meals would be free to any child 18 and under. The lunch meals would be served from the high school location every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 11:00am-11:30am through Thursday, April 9th. Please email knutsonm@melcher-dallas.k12.ia.us if you are interested by March 20th so they can determine if they should apply for this program. o Pella community school district – We will be sending out information to all of our families
today or tomorrow. Parents will be able to sign up for a week at a time. They will receive a lunch and breakfast at the same time. Pick will be in three locations: High School, Lincoln elementary school, and Jefferson Intermediate School. We are unsure of the exact pick-up times yet.
All information included in this Situation Report is current as of the time and date identified above. All Information in regular text is current information. All text with strikethrough text identify outdated or completed information. New information is highlighted.
2019 Coronavirus Situation Update – As of 3/19/2020 – 4:00pm
o Knoxville Community School District
o • KCSD will be providing a sack containing both breakfast and lunch. o • All children under 18 years-old are eligible o • Monday – Friday 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM Beginning on March 23 o • KCSD Families will be emailed a survey asking the following questions: 1. Will
they be participating in the Free Meals Program? How many children will be getting meals? Which days would they like meals? Are they able to get to the high school between 11:30 – 12:30 to pick up the meals? If not, please provide their phone number/address if they would like us to try and make other arrangements. Do they have internet at home? o Other area schools are developing a plan and will have announcements soon.
- Celebrate Church Food Pantry at the Crosswalk Building 810 West Robinson will be open Wednesdays from 1-4 pm. Folks are able to pick up food, there will be curbside parking and someone will be there to deliver.
- Panther Pantry @ Knoxville High School – The pantry will remain fully operational during the coming weeks. Beginning March 23rd the pantry will distribute food each Monday: March 23rd, March 30th and April 6th. Distribution times will remain the same: 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm. Families may now come each Monday. Our guidelines to access the pantry have not changed: You must live within the Knoxville Community School District AND have children that either attend school, are home schooled, are of pre-school age or, if you do not live within the district, open enrolled to the school district.
- This is an assessment of need and not a guarantee of a service that will be provided. The Goal: Ensure working parents serving in critical roles, defined below, who are impacted by school closures continue to have access to childcare. For those parents with children 12 years old and younger, or a child with special needs up to age 19, DHS will ensure access to childcare located at a school-based or alternative site. ELIGIBILITY: Parents offered this service will be limited to a two-parent household who both work, or single-parent who works, in the following fields: – All hospital staff; – All healthcare providers in private practice and all direct care staff; – Staff who provide critical government infrastructure: examples include: social services, child protection services, public health officials, tax collection, corrections and other public safety; – Emergency responders; – Food service workers, including grocery store staff and limited restaurant staff to include supporting take-away options; and
All information included in this Situation Report is current as of the time and date identified above. All Information in regular text is current information. All text with strikethrough text identify outdated or completed information. New information is highlighted.
2019 Coronavirus Situation Update – As of 3/19/2020 – 4:00pm
– Others as approved by the Director of Human Services. If this applies to your current situation, please respond with your information including how many of your children would need child care on an emergency basis to: childcareinfo@marioncountyiowa.gov
- Patient and Visitor Screenings and Restrictions are in Place at Pella Regional Health Center beginning at 6:30 am on Tuesday, March 17th . Please visit https://www.pellahealth.org/ for more details.
o Starting 6:30 a.m. Tuesday, March 17th, Pella Regional is screening all patients and
visitors prior to entering the main campus and medical clinics. For more information and maps of open entrances, please visit https://www.pellahealth.org/about-us/news/patient- and-visitor-screenings-and-restrictions-in-place-at-pell/
- Knoxville Hospital & Clinics Limits Public Entrances, Implements Screening in Vehicles
o Beginning Wednesday, March 18, Knoxville Hospital & Clinics (KHC) is limiting the
number of public entrances to campus. All patients and visitors will be screened in their vehicles prior to entering the KHC campus. o Patient and Visitor Screenings and Restrictions in Place at Knoxville Hospital & Clinics beginning Tuesday, March 17, at 6:30 am. KHC is screening patients for cough, fever, shortness of breath and recent travel history to affected areas. Isolation, masking, and testing will occur as appropriate. o If you are experiencing cough, shortness of breath and fever (100.4 F), and have traveled
to an affected area in the past 14 days, please call (641) 842-2151 for further screening and direction. o Please visit https://knoxvillehospital.org/ for more details.
- Pella Regional Health Center and Knoxville County Hospitals & Clinics follow the screening and testing procedures for COVID-19, directed by Center of Disease Control (CDC) and Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH). Below is the processes.
The initial screening questions are: 1) What symptoms are you having?
- We are specifically looking to see if they have had a fever, cough, or difficulty
breathing as these are signs and symptoms of COVID 19. 2) Have you traveled internationally, been on an international cruise ship or international river
boat within the past 14 days?
- If Yes where? (specifically screening for the countries identified by the CDC at this
link:https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/travelers/index.html ) 3) Did you have close contact with another person with a lab confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis
within 14 days of getting sick?
They must answer question 1 yes and yes to either questions 2 or 3 to be sent for a second evaluation to see if they meet criteria to be tested for COVID-19. There is a qualified healthcare personnel who will evaluate them with a secondary screening and decide if they meet the criteria to have a test done. If yes, the test is done and they are handed an educational sheet about their next steps in regards to isolation, who to contact if symptoms get worse and what to do while waiting for test results. These are also outlined by the CDC and IDPH guidance.
If a person has no signs or symptoms, or does not meet criteria for question 2 or 3, they will not have a test done. At the second assessment, if the healthcare provider evaluates and does not believe the person meets the criteria per their clinical judgment, a test will not be done. This is also per CDC and IDPH guidelines. (please see secondary attachment for IDPH FAQ and https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/symptoms-testing/index.html)
All information included in this Situation Report is current as of the time and date identified above. All Information in regular text is current information. All text with strikethrough text identify outdated or completed information. New information is highlighted.
2019 Coronavirus Situation Update – As of 3/19/2020 – 4:00pm
The country, state and health care facilities such as ours do not have the testing capabilities to test everyone for COVID-19 and must be diligent with our screening to test the appropriate people at the appropriate time.
We ask for your understanding as well as educating your staff. If you have specific questions for your business and are in need of guidance please go to IDPH website: https://idph.iowa.gov/Emerging-Health- Issues/Novel-Coronavirus/Business-and-Organizations specifically for businesses, or you can call their hotline number 2-1-1.
- The Knoxville Good Samaritan Free Clinic at the Activity Center will be closed as of March 23rd.
Other County Information
- The IMPACT Army Post, Jasper County, Marion County, and Warren County Resource Centers will be closed at this time but will still offer all services over the phone. IMPACT Marion County Resource Center: 641-842-6571
o The State of Iowa has prohibited face-to-face applications for the Low-Income Home
Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). Therefore, we will be taking all applications for this program over the phone. The deadline to apply for LIHEAP has been extended until May 31, 2020 and the moratorium protection period given to those approved by the program has been extended until May 1, 2020
- The Pella Historical Society and Museums and Tulip Time Steering Committee have announced they are cancelling the 85th Annual Tulip Time Festival, originally scheduled May 7th through 9th.
- For the City of Pella COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Information and Closure Updates please visit: https://www.cityofpella.com/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=864
- As of noon, on 3/16/20, Knoxville Recreation Center and the Knoxville Public Library will be closed down until April 13, 2020. For more details please visit the City of Knoxville’s website at http://www.knoxvilleia.gov/
- In accordance with President Trump’s “15 Days to Control the Spread,” the Marion County Board of Supervisors urges residents to suspend all non-essential travel (including work and vacation travel) until further notice.
- The Marion County Board of Supervisors approved the suspension of certain county government functions effective 3/18/20. The following Marion County Offices are closed to the public or have limited access until further notice:
o Treasurer’s Office o Assessor’s Office o Recorder’s office
- Please visit https://www.marioncountyiowa.gov/covid_19.htm for this and other county related information and closures.
o The Auditor’s office is closed to the public, with the exception receiving Candidate filing
papers through 3/25/2020.
▪ Voter registrations can be done on the Iowa Secretary of States website
- Please note the following services will be available online at marioncountyiowa.gov:
o Treasurer’s Office 828-2202
▪ Property tax and motor vehicle renewals
▪ Renewal of Iowa Driver’s License, in accordance with DOT guidelines
▪ If you need to transfer a title you may call the treasurer’s office at 641-828-2202 for step by step instructions. o Assessor’s Office
▪ A citizen can apply for Homestead Credit, Military Exemption
▪ Business Property Tax Credit
▪ Petition Forms are available
▪ Access any property information via Beacon services, Ags Sales Book.
▪ Rent reimbursement Form o Recorder’s Office 828-2211
All information included in this Situation Report is current as of the time and date identified above. All Information in regular text is current information. All text with strikethrough text identify outdated or completed information. New information is highlighted.
2019 Coronavirus Situation Update – As of 3/19/2020 – 4:00pm
▪ Hunting or fishing license or renewal online
▪ Regarding information concerning fees for Boat, ATV, Snow Machines – call and send check. It can be processed via mail.
▪ Request vital records by mail from the County or go to Vitalchek.com to access the State of Iowa or call 866-809-0290
▪ Record or search land records at Iowalandrecords.org or mail to Marion County Recorder, 214 E Main St, Knoxville IA 50138
▪ Passport office closed until further notice o Marion County Public Health will conduct business on an appointment only basis
▪ Call 641-828-2238 x 0 or your program contact for appointment
▪ Meals On Wheels services will continue to be provided
▪ Environmental Health is continuing its functions. Contact Bridget at 641-828- 2238 x251
▪ The MCPH WIC Program continues to serve clients. We are not doing face-to- face appointments but are doing them over the phone. Clients are still receiving benefits and benefits are not being discontinued. If you have any questions about WIC services or benefits, please call 641.828.2238 ext. 4
▪ I-Smile Program is discontinuing direct services until further notice.
▪ General relief will continue to be by appointment only. Please call to schedule an appointment. o Zoning – closed to the general public
▪ Building permits
▪ Complaint
▪ Land division online
▪ Request for rezoning
▪ 641-828-2231 x7
▪ o The physical location of the Marion County Sheriff’s office, located at 211 N. Godfrey is
closed to the public
▪ All inmate visits can be conducted online at inmatecanteen.com
▪ In the event of an emergency, please dial 9-1-1 as Law enforcement and emergency response will continue their regular shifts.
▪ To apply for a new Permit to Carry/Permit to Purchase or to renew an existing Permit please go to our website: marioncountyiowa.gov to print out the application forms and for guidelines & instructions to apply. Please remember to sign & date your application and include a phone number in case we need to get ahold of you! Since our Civil Office is closed to the public, we will be taking these applications through the mail with the proper documentation provided and a Money Order or Cashier’s Check made out to the Marion County Sheriff for the appropriate amount due. Please do not send cash in the mail! Mail your requests to the Marion County Sheriff’s Office, 211 N Godfrey Lane, Knoxville, IA 50138. If you have any questions or concerns regarding weapons permits, please contact the Civil Office at 641-828-2247.
▪ Civil Office: 641-828-2247
▪ Jail: 641-828-2245
▪ Non-Emergency/Dispatch: 641-828-2220 o Roads Department
▪ Office is closed to the public.
▪ Please utilize all online options
- If you feel your need cannot be met online, please contact this department by phone or email 641-828-2225 or tvangorp@marioncountyiowa.org o Veteran Affairs
▪ By appointment only. Please call 641-828-2201 or by cell 812-322-8595 to schedule an appointment.
All information included in this Situation Report is current as of the time and date identified above. All Information in regular text is current information. All text with strikethrough text identify outdated or completed information. New information is highlighted.
2019 Coronavirus Situation Update – As of 3/19/2020 – 4:00pm
o County Rural Offices of Social Services (CROSS) Region
▪ Closed to the public; services provided by other means by appointment. For questions and other services, please contact the appropriate staff: Disability Services Coordinator: tiffany.hopkins@crossmhds.org t: 641-828-2238 ext. 144 Social Worker: caree.gordon@crossmhds.org t:641-828-2238 ext. 101 Disability Services Administrative Assistant: amanda.roberts@crossmhds.org t: 641- 828-2238 Ext. 141 CROSS Region CEO: rachel.cecil@crossmhds.org t: 641-828-2238 ext. 241 o County Attorney
o If you have a pending criminal case, please contact your attorney to learn when
your next court hearing will be. Also please be aware that your next court hearing will take place at 614 E. Washington Street, not the Marion County Courthouse. Again, please contact your attorney for more information. A full list of attorney phone numbers both criminal and juvenile can be found on the Marion County Attorney’s page at: https://www.marioncountyiowa.gov/offices/attorney/index.htm
- In an effort to implement social distancing practices recommended to slow the spread of COVID- 19, The City of Knoxville offices, including City Hall, Police Department, Fire Station and Public Works will be closed to the public effective Thursday, March 19, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. until further notice. While these facilities are closed to walk-in traffic, City Services will continue to be provided online, via email or by phone. For more information please contact https://www.knoxvilleia.gov/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=243
- The Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) needs to assess the impact of the pandemic in Iowa. To assist in these efforts, please complete this survey, developed by University of Northern Iowa – Institute for Decision Making, to tell us what your business is experiencing and how your business is handling the current crisis. https://uni.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4SK7W5qa88IkhXT
- Governor Reynolds signed a Proclamation of Disaster Emergency during the morning of March 17, 2020, requesting the closure of the hospitality sector statewide beginning at noon on 03/17/2020. These services include: restaurants and bar, theaters, casinos and gaming facilities, mass gatherings (social, spiritual, religious, recreational, etc), senior citizen centers and adult daycare facilities, all fitness centers, health clubs, health spas, gyms, aquatic centers shall be closed continuing until 11:59 p.m. on March 31, 2020.
- effective Noon on March 17, 2020 and continuing until 11:59 p.m. on March 31, 2020
o Senior Citizen Centers and Adult Daycare Facilities: All facilities that conduct adult
day services or other senior citizen centers are hereby closed. o https://governor.iowa.gov/press-release/gov-reynolds-issues-a-state-of-public-health-
- CDC Resources for Businesses and Employers: Plan, prepare, and respond to coronavirus disease 2019. Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers, Interim US Guidance for Risk Assessment and Public Health Management of Persons with Potential Coronavirus Disease 2019, Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection Recommendations can be found at: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/organizations/businesses- employers.html
- Iowa Workforce Development updates and resources about COVID-19: https://www.iowaworkforcedevelopment.gov/updates-and-resources-about-covid-19
- Tattoo parlors, salons, barbershops and tanning salons are not required to be closed under the declaration. They should be encouraged to do health screening for staff and clients before allowing people in. If people are sick or exhibiting signs of illness they should be asked to go home. Enhanced attention to sanitation and a focus on social distancing (i.e. keeping
All information included in this Situation Report is current as of the time and date identified above. All Information in regular text is current information. All text with strikethrough text identify outdated or completed information. New information is highlighted.
2019 Coronavirus Situation Update – As of 3/19/2020 – 4:00pm
patrons and staff at least 6 feet apart whenever possible) is also warranted during this time. To the extent possible, the numbers of patrons in the establishment should also be limited (encourage them to implement call ahead procedures).
All information included in this Situation Report is current as of the time and date identif