Communication from Mayor DeWaard related to COVID-19 is available at www.cityofpella.com/Mayor and below:
Citizens of Pella –
I’d like to personally thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate this time of unprecedented circumstances. I can assure you that the City of Pella continues to monitor and develop appropriate plans in response to the COVID-19 pandemic as the health and wellness of our community and team members is a top priority. As a result, earlier this week we announced that all City of Pella offices, with the exception of the Police Department, are closed to the public through April 13, 2020. While our facilities are closed to walk-in traffic, City staff remains available via email or by phone. Please visit our website at www.cityofpella.com/directory.aspx for specific City department hours and contact information.
As previously mentioned, the Pella Police Department remains open with additional precautions in place. The public is strongly encouraged to call 641.628.4921 for all non-emergencies. Individuals needing emergency assistance should continue to call 911.
Earlier this week, the Pella Historical Society and Tulip Time Steering Committee announced that the 2020 Tulip Time Festival has been cancelled; making this only the second cancellation in the festival’s 85-year history. The City of Pella is in support of this difficult decision as the safety of our citizens, visitors, and volunteers is essential. I join the Tulip Time Steering Committee in encouraging our citizens to financially support local businesses and non-profits who have been impacted by this decision and these uncertain times. As Mayor, I’d like to encourage our citizens and community members to take any reasonable opportunity to support our local businesses and help our neighbors. We, as citizens of Pella, have the ability to join together during these unprecedented times with the goal of making the remainder of 2020, and future years, even more successful within our community.
The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled on April 7. We continue to monitor the ever-changing situation and will provide updates regarding this meeting as the date nears. All meeting changes will be posted online at: https://www.cityofpella.com/calendar.aspx?CID=14
This situation changes frequently, and we are committed to continuing to provide updates as they are available. Updates will be posted to social media and online at www.cityofpella.com/COVID-19. To receive a notification when updates are available, sign-up at https://pellaia.regroup.com/signup and choose the “Emergency Alerts” distribution group. Finally, the Marion County Board of Supervisors, along with local officials, will hold press conferences at 1:00 p.m. every Monday and Friday for the foreseeable future to update the public and keep residents informed of the local response in a timely manner. These press conferences will be aired live on 92.1 KRLS.
Again, thank you for your continued patience and understanding during this time.
Mayor Don DeWaard