The Marion County Board of Supervisors will meet in regular session today. In accordance with Marion County’s Disaster Declaration the meeting will be held electronically due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The board will hold a public hearing regarding the proposed Prairie Ridge Urban Renewal Plan for a Proposed Urban Renewal Area in Marion County. Following the public hearing they will consider a resolution to approve the plan. They will hold a discussion and take action as necessary regarding Indiana Township as well as consider a resolution to approve the appointment of Sheriff’s Reserve Peace Officers. The board will discuss and take action as necessary regarding the renewal of a Class C Native Wine license including outdoor service and Sunday sales for Grape Escape Winery in Pleasantville. They will hold an annual evaluation for the Marion County Development Director as well as discuss and take action as necessary regarding the establishment of department head wage levels. The meeting will begin at 9 a.m.


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-All participants will be muted upon entering the meeting

-Participants are asked to use the chat feature to let the meeting controller know that they would like to address the Board, either during the open comments segment or if they are attending the meeting to address the Board for a specific agenda item.


 Topic: Marion County Board of Supervisors Meeting

Time: Mar 24, 2020 09:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)


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