Photo from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
According to the Iowa Department of Public Health, the first confirmed case of COVID-19 has been found in Warren County. The IDPH update states that one adult between the ages of 18-40 is infected, with three cases in neighboring Polk County, one in Jasper, and one in Dallas County. Warren County Emergency Management wants to remind residents of the isolation guidelines from the IDPH, as more Iowans are likely to become ill in the coming weeks. Warren County Emergency Management Coordinator Troy Bass tells KNIA News Iowans should stay at home and isolate themselves from other people and animals in the home in the following situations:
-Traveled outside of Iowa for business or vacation in the last 14 days
-Taken a cruise anywhere in the world in the last 14 days
-Traveled internationally to a country with a level 3 travel warning in the last 14 days
-Live with someone who has symptoms of COVID-19 or has tested positive for COVID-19
Isolation should be in place for 14 days after the last exposure. Bass also said to call the local public health office if you are feeling ill, and they can provide information on how to proceed.