As the COVID-19 pandemic has caused disruptions in daily life for every American, the same holds for legislators and the legislative process. In Iowa the 2020 legislative session has been halted until at least Wednesday, April 15th according to Governor Kim Reynolds. Due to the stoppage, many important legislative priorities hang in the balance. According to State Senator Amy Sinclair one of those priorities is the state’s budget which according to Sinclair will need to be tweaked due to the pandemic. According to Sinclair, since people have been out of work throughout the state, she expects less revenue to be brought in which means a tighter budget for everyone. Sinclair says there are many other priorities that the state will have to deal with as well but right now she says like everyone, the legislators are in a holding pattern and waiting on information. Prior to the stoppage Senator Sinclair and State Representative Jon Thorup had planned to hold Town Hall Forums every third Saturday of the month and she says she expects those to also continue once life resumes.