On Monday, Governor Kim Reynolds announced the creation of the Small Business Grant Relief Program meant to help small businesses of between two to 25 employees during the COVID-19 pandemic. Applications for the program are currently open with an application deadline of Tuesday, March 31st. Knoxville Chamber of Commerce Director, Hannah Vander Veer tells KNIA/KRLS News the good news is the help is a grant so the money does not need to be paid back and according to Vander Veer there is no race to apply. Vander Veer says the grants range from $5,000 to $25,000. She says currently there is $4 million dollars available for the grants but Governor Reynolds and Iowa Economic Development Director Debi Durham also indicated that more funds could be added depending on demand. To hear the complete interview regarding the Small Business Grant Relief Program with Knoxville Chamber of Commerce Director Hannah Vander Veer, tune in to today’s Let’s Talk Knoxville. For more information and to apply click here: