The Knoxville Chamber of Commerce announced Friday that the Greater Des Moines Partnership along with Iowa Workforce Development will host a free webinar regarding unemployment benefits tomorrow from 11 a.m. to noon. Ryan West, Deputy Director, Iowa Workforce Development, will conduct the webinar and give an update on COVID-19 and unemployment benefits for employers and employees. This is an open webinar and there is no need to register. More information can be found by clicking here: https://members.dsmpartnership.com/events/details/covid-19-unemployment-benefits-with-ryan-west-iowa-workforce-development-58443
To participate in the webinar click here:
https://zoom.us/j/700988764?pwd=TlJDZ25NMlUyVHdBSEJ2VlJXa1paQT09 or dial in using your phone 1-312-626-6799 and then type in the meeting ID: 700988764# US (Chicago).