This year’s senior class is hoping sports gets the go ahead from the state sooner rather than later. Unlike the proposed NCAA waiver for spring sports athletes to get an extra year eligibility…that will not be the case for high school seniors. Twin Cedars Athletic Director Trent Verwers says seniors know when the end comes for their careers and they have some amount of control when it ends…unlike the times we are living in now.

“The seniors usually have a time frame and you know what’s coming and you know when it’s over and it’s I can’t even imagine if it’s taken away from you that’s out of you’re control. Usually you have some scene of closure.”

For spring sports athletes at Twin Cedars…the goal is to end the season at the State Meet at the Blue Oval in Des Moines. Verwers is hopeful that will happen at the scheduled date in May or even later if the state allowed spring sports to have a full season.

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