
As people throughout the country continue to practice social distancing to help stop the spread of COVID-19, people are trying to find at home ways to workout and stay healthy despite not being able to attend local gyms and fitness centers.


When it comes to at home fitness, Owner of KNX Fitness in Knoxville, Chis Gordon tells KNIA/KRLS News there are multiple exercises people can do at home and it all comes down to how creative you can be. He says squats, push ups and sit ups are always good and easy from home but when it comes to getting a better workout people are only limited by their creativity. He says to find ways to enact resistance such as wearing a heavy backpack while doing lunges or using a cinder block as weights. He says being creative will help you stay fit.


Gordon says when it comes to staying healthy at home, residents should try to replace unhealthy snacks with fresh fruits and vegetables as much as possible because people tend to snack when they’re bored and snacking healthy is better when your workouts are restricted. To hear the complete interview with Gordon, tune in to today’s Let’s Talk Knoxville.