As students and teachers work to adjust to online learning and remote education, educators are hoping everyone learns new lessons through the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Kendi Arndt is an engineering teacher at Pella High School, and believes we are learning more about ourselves through a crisis and in a life where what was once maybe taken for granted is no longer the norm or expectation.
“One lesson is definitely that people are still reaching out–even though we are socially distanced, we’re still connecting in lots of great ways,” she says. “The second lesson is that no matter who you are, where you are, or what you have, you have something to offer, and people are coming together and working in great teams to make some really remarkable things happen.”
Arndt is taking part in a local effort to use Pella High School’s five 3D printers to create the parts necessary for face shields, which will be used by Pella Regional medical professionals in their fight against the coronavirus.
Find out more about the local 3D printing efforts here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/209908707017770/