
As Governor Kim Reynolds extended the closure for schools and businesses throughout Iowa until at least April 30th, she also suspended the current legislative session until that time as well. Despite not being able to work from the capitol, State Senator Amy Sinclair tells KNIA/KRLS News the work has not stopped for Iowa’s legislators. Sinclair says she has continued to work closely with her staff regarding education issues as well as her legislative counterparts to figure out their priorities and what needs to get to the Governor’s desk as soon as everything gets back to normal 

Senator Sinclair once again reiterated that this year’s budget process will be impacted by the pandemic. She says the budget process will look a lot different than it did in the past simply due to almost the whole economy being shut down for a minimum of 45 days. She says there are so many variables that come in to play regarding the current budget as well as the next fiscal year budget, but legislators are still working on it despite the shutdown. To hear the complete interview with State Senator Amy Sinclair, click the link below.


Let’s Talk Knoxville for 4-6-20: