
The City of Knoxville has a new program to help residents in need as well as keep their neighbors safe. The City of Knoxville has partnered with local community businesses, churches and civic groups to create the COVID-19 Neighbor Helping Neighbor Program. 

The program gives Knoxville neighbors a way to check in on each other to ensure that everyone is doing ok and allows neighbors to communicate about having essential items needed in a time when social distancing is required. 

With the program individuals and/or families in the high risk categories who are not able to easily get out to get essential items will be given three sheets of paper: green, yellow, and red. Residents will place the sheets of paper in an area that is easily seen by neighbors and first responders from the roadway such as a front window or on the front door. The sheets of paper will indicate how you are physically doing and what your present needs are. 

Green- I’m OK and have no needs 

Yellow- Needs to be addressed in the next 72 hours 

Red- Needs to be addressed in the next 24 hours 

On the Yellow and Red sheets of paper, a contact number should be written in bold dark lettering. That way if a neighbor or area first responder sees a yellow or red sheet of paper in the window, they will see what your needs are and arrange getting those needs met. The red sheet paper is NOT to take the place of an emergency phone call to 911 responders. If there is an emergency, residents should still call 911. 

The sheet of paper will come in a plastic sleeve, the city asks if a resident has needs to place a list of those needs along with the money to cover the needs in the plastic sleeve after someone has made contact with you. 

Residents wishing to take part in the Neighbor helping Neighbor should call 641-820-0679 to make arrangements to have a packet delivered. Anyone requesting a packet for themselves or others will need to provide the name, physical address and contact number for the address in need along with an emergency contact name and phone number. To minimize exposure for all, please write the information down on a piece of paper prior to the packet being delivered. 

If residents have any questions about this program, or in need of assistance please contact the Neighbor Helping Neighbor program at 641-820-0679 between 9 am and 4 pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.