As signs of spring come during another April in Iowa, the city of Knoxville would like to remind residents of city codes when beginning their spring cleaning and spring mowing. As residents start to burn brush piles left over from the fall and start cleaning up their yards, Community Service Officer Arlene Worrall tells KNIA/KRLS News the first step should be giving the sheriff’s office a call to make sure burning is ok for that day. Worrall says if a burn ban is not in effect, residents are free to burn their yard waste as long as it is leaves and small twigs no bigger than three inches in diameter.
Worral says when residents clean up their yards it’s important to keep the yard waste in their yard. She says all grass clippings, leaves or yard debris is not permitted in city streets as it can cause problems with the city’s sewer system as well as result in a fine for the homeowner. She says if anyone ever has any questions regarding the city code, they can always call the Knoxville Police Department to get their question answered.