The Pella City Council is on the cusp of approving the most critical pieces of a new telecommunications utility at their meeting Tuesday.
Two key public hearings are on the agenda — the contract for the roll out of Pella Fiber to every household and business in the corporate limits and consideration of bids for the Pella Telecommunications Utility Facility.
Council has received bids and will consider awarding contracts for both outside plant connections and service lines to homes, which NewCom Technologies — the city’s fiber optic network engineer, estimated to cost $7.8 million.
A contract to construct a facility to house the main functions of the telecom utility is also on the agenda for consideration. Short Elliott Hendrickson, Inc. — the engineer for the building, estimated it will cost $3.25 million.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this Tuesday’s meeting will be available electronically at 7 p.m.:
1. To access screen sharing and audio, visit https://join.me/CityofPella
2. To listen to audio only, call 720.650.5050 and enter access code 962-389-622 #