
Airports in Marion County will receive a total of $99,000 from the Federal CARE Act that was passed recently to help some of the airports dealing with impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic. The airports receiving money include $30,000 to the Knoxville Municipal Airport and $69,000 to the Pella Municipal Airport. Knoxville Municipal Airport Director Dan Van Donselaar tells KNIA/KRLS News the airport is still waiting on more information before spending the money. He says there has been no guidance from the FAA at this point and he says the airport will wait for guidance before moving forward. 

Currently the Knoxville Municipal Airport is closed due to runways resurfacing. Van Donselaar says he hopes the money will be able to be used to help keep that project on schedule. He says it was nice to receive the money and that it will come in handy with the runway resurfacing going on. 

The airport is hoping the resurfacing of the runway will be complete by mid July in time for the Knoxville Nationals in August.