The Pleasantville City Council met in regular session Monday. The council held a public hearing regarding the approval of an ordinance, amending the zoning from R-1 Residential to C-1 Commercial regarding a piece of property owned by Carson & Carissa Stubbs. Following the public hearing the council voted 3-2 to deny the amendment due to recommendations from the city’s Planning and Zoning Board as well as feedback from neighbors of the property. They approved an ordinance, amending Chapter 55.05 pertaining to poultry and chickens to allow residents to now have chickens within city limits. The council approved a sewer adjustment as well as LL Pelling Seal Coat prices for the year and a tax abatement for 308 S. Columbus. They tabled a discussion regarding a potential drive in movie night at the park as well as tabled a discussion regarding contracts for the Memorial Hall building.