
The Indianola Noon Lions Club is donating 300 pounds of local beef to the Warren County Helping Hand food pantry today, after their 90th anniversary celebration and meat raffle has been postponed. The meat raffle, originally scheduled for the middle of March, then postponed to June, will not take place until November 21st. The Noon Lions acquired the meat from various local and statewide donations, including steaks, roasts, stew and chopped meat. The donation will take place this Saturday at 10am.

The Indianola Noon Lions will celebrate their 90th anniversary with a very unique “New England Style” meat raffle at 5:30 pm on Saturday, November 21 at the St. Thomas Aquinas Pastoral Center. The public is invited but tickets must be purchased in advance for $13.00. Call Tom Charlton at 563-299-9451 for tickets, which include a buffet from Pizza Ranch with fried chicken, mashed potatoes and salad.