
Marion County Supervisor Mark Raymie and Marion County Public Health Director Kim Dorn held a COVID-19 informative press conference Friday updating the residents on the current COVID-19 threat in the county. Raymie and Dorn told residents with certain businesses beginning to open back up following the Governors recent proclamation, as well as more visitors to Marion County recently, now is the time for residents to continue to take the recommended precautions and safety guidelines seriously and continue to implement them to stay safe and keep others safe. Dorn says now that things are opening up more people will be out and about and residents need to remember to stay as distant as possible, remember touch points and to wash their hands frequently. Raymie reminds residents to not touch their face a lot and to wear a mask in public and again to remain socially distant and take proper precautions. 

Currently Marion County has four active cases of COVID-19 with seven other cases in which the infected person has recovered from the disease for a total of 11 confirmed cases. No one in Marion County has died from COVID-19. Marion County will continue to hold informative press conferences for the foreseeable future with the next scheduled for Tuesday, May 5 th at 1 p.m. Each press conference will be aired live on 92.1 KRLS and 95.3 KNIA and reaired at 6 p.m

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