After approval of the major construction contracts related to Pella Fiber and the new telecommunications utility in April, the Pella City Council will next consider regulatory approvals necessary to get services up and running when construction is complete.
Council has two ordinances on the agenda: the first of which would establish the operation of a municipal telecom utility with a new chapter in city code, and the second of which would approve a preliminary rate structure for services provided.
The following is the proposed monthly billing structure (available in the City of Pella memo to the council) which is subject to change and could include additional charges for other operations not specified:
Residential – 1 GIG (gigabit) service – $75
Commercial – Internet 150 – $125, Internet 300 – $250, Internet Gig $500
Wifi Mesh Extender – $5 for all
Basic $39.00
Expanded $85.00
Expanded Plus $95.00
Family Channels $10.00
Sports Channels $10.00
HBO $15.00
Cinemax $15.00
STARZ/Encore $15.00
Showtime $15.00
Set Top Box Rental $5.00
Whole Home DVR $10.00
Local – Residential $15, Commercial $25
Long Distance – Residential $10, Long Distance $20
E911 – $1
None of the above service rates include any potential bundles or promotional packages for the city-run utility.
Council will also consider several resolutions related to financing the Pella Fiber telecommunications utility, as well as review options as it relates to hiring a contractor for service line drops to be installed later this summer after construction is well underway on main fiber lines. The Pella City Council meeting begins at 7 p.m. this Tuesday, and due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting will be available electronically:
1. To access screen sharing and audio, visit https://join.me/CityofPella
2. To listen to audio only, call 720.650.5050 and enter access code 962-389-622 #