The Pleasantville boys golf team was expecting to play this season with a new head coach. Guidance Counselor Chuck Sinclair was set to take over the program this season from Joel Allman, but will now have to wait until next year to make his debut with the program. Senior golfer Isaac Roe says that it was somewhat strange to have a new coach come in for his senior year, but that he trusted Sinclair because of his prominent role in the school.

“It was a little weird. I felt good about it though because I trust Mr. Sinclair. So I knew it was going to work out well, and it could’ve been for the best. I trusted the things he was going to do with the program, so I was really looking forward to it, to see how it would all work out.”

Roe has lost his senior season at Pleasantville, but will be heading to Simpson College in the fall to join the men’s golf program.

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