
The Pella City Council will hold a public hearing for the Pella Municipal Airport Runway Rehabilitation project at their meeting this evening.

The $1.62 million effort, which will be funded by the FAA, will likely start this summer after a contract is approved. Council will also hold a public hearing for the Prairie Ridge Housing Development Agreement. Additionally, the council will consider resolutions to purchase electric revenue capital loan notes for Pella Fiber, a software and services agreement for the billing service for the utility, and to set a public hearing for July 7th to authorize bids for Fiber to Premise Access Network Equipment.

Following regular business, council will review proposed water and wastewater rate increases for the upcoming fiscal year and discuss the 2020 sidewalk inspection program during policy and planning. The Pell City Council meeting begins at 7:00 this evening, Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting will be available electronically:

1. To access screen sharing and audio, visit https://join.me/CityofPella
2. To listen to audio only, call 720.650.5050 and enter access code 962-389-622