
During the most recent Knoxville City Council meeting, Mayor Brian Hatch read proclamations for National EMS Week and National Public Works Week. National EMS Week brings together local communities and medical personnel to honor the people who provide the day-to-day lifesaving services we depend on. National Public Works Week is a celebration of the men and women who provide and maintain the essential infrastructure and services we need each day. Knoxville City Manager Aaron Adams tells KNIA/KRLS News when it comes National EMS Week it’s always  great to celebrate the workers on the front lines especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. He says our local EMS workers continue to put themselves in harm’s way to protect us as we continue to see more cases of COVID-19 in the county. 

Adams says as far as National Public Works week, it’s a great chance to recognize the essential workers who we generally take for granted. He says a lot of the time we take for granted where our water comes from and where it goes when we flush our toilets, but there are a lot of people behind the scenes making sure we continue to have the services we rely on and that they are safe and cost effective. 

Both National EMS Week and National Public Works Week run from May 17th through May 23rd. To hear the complete interview with Adams, tune in to today’s Let’s Talk Knoxville.