The Indianola City Council held a work session on sewer connection districts at their most recent meeting, looking to change a city policy that could potentially help developers. City Manager Ryan Waller tells KNIA News in its simplest form, when a community puts in sewer lines to undeveloped areas, the fund must be repaid by the developer which can hamper growth because it can be expensive. Waller said the council explored the possibility of changing the policy.
“Over time it’s created these situations where it’s absolutely impossible for developers to build. We had one instance here in town where a church bought some ground, came in and started talking to staff where they calculated the rate and it came out to around $78,000 to connect. Under a base-rate charge, which would be the proposed change, their fee would be somewhere around $28,000, so a significant difference that can help us grow.”
For more information, listen to the Let’s Talk Indianola with City Manager Ryan Waller below.