As of Monday, Governor Kim Reynolds has not extended the deadline any further regarding payment of property taxes. The current deadline to pay property taxes without incurring a penalty is tomorrow. Marion County Treasurer Michaela Bigaouette tells KNIA/KRLS News there are currently over 1600 parcels with unpaid property taxes throughout Marion County. She hopes everyone can remember to get their property taxes paid on time to avoid the late fees, and for residents to remind their friends and family members to get their property taxes paid on time as well.
Bigaouette says the easiest way for residents to make sure their taxes are paid on time is to pay them online at iowatreasurers.org. She says payments can also be dropped off at the drop box located at the old East Elementary building in Knoxville or by mail as long as they are postmarked by May 27th to avoid a late fee.