The Marion County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Tuesday. The board approved a resolution providing for cooperation with other governmental units in the creation and operation of the Service Delivery Local Workforce Development Area 11 Consortiums, which is needed to help provide resources for low income families as well as individuals who have lost their job due to no fault of their own. They approved a resolution to transfer principal and interest payments on the Law Enforcement Center construction debt from the Local Option Sales and Services Tax Fund to the Debt Service Fund as well as approved cigarette permit application renewals for Keener Oil Company in Harvey as well as New Star Pella. 

They discussed a special event application for Cairn Yoga and Wellness Studio to conduct Free Yoga on the Lawn on Saturdays from May 30th through August 30th to which the board authorized the County Facilities Director to attain more information regarding the request. The board held a discussion regarding Marion County official publications to which the county decided not to make a declaration at this time. They approved a three percent raise in the Veteran’s Affairs Director’s fiscal year 2021 compensation as well as approved a 28E Agreement with Mahaska County regarding maintenance of portable traffic lights purchased under a Traffic Safety Improvement Program grant from the Iowa Department of Transportation. 

The board approved resolutions for a sign replacement program for cities and counties as well as for an Iowa Department of Transportation agreement for a Traffic Safety Improvement Program for the T14 shoulder paving project. They approved an IRVM Statement of Support and update of the IRVM Plan to allow for the county to apply for more grant funding to be used towards the road department as well as approved a site plan review for Crossroads Management. The board set a public hearing date of June 9th to approve and authorize execution of a Development Agreement with the City of Pella and PR Dev, LLC regarding the proposed Prairie Ridge development.