The Knoxville Chamber of Commerce held a special Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Saturday afternoon to help celebrate the completion of renovations at the Knoxville VFW Post 3519. Residents, patrons and family members had their first opportunity to see all the work that has gone into the post over the past six months which was highlighted by a special military mural painted by 2015 Knoxville High School Graduate Evy Wells. Senior Vice President of the Knoxville VFW Post 3519 Jon Short tells KNIA/KRLS News some of the work that went into renovating the post included the removal of all the carpet, new walls and the removal of every beer sign. He says the post wants to be more of a restaurant then just a bar for guys to drink at.
According to Short, the post is really wanting to change the community’s perception of the post to a more family friendly and community friendly place. Short says the post is planning to hold more programs and events for everyone now that the renovations are complete.