Of the 172 innings pitched last summer by Melcher-Dallas baseball pitchers, 114 were pitched by either eighth graders, freshman or sophomore. That lack of experience at times caused the Saints to struggle, but advance to this season and Coach Pat Ferguson says with that experience on the mound with the younger guys ,they should be much improved and more confident to take the mound this summer.
“They drew a lot of innings for us number one because we were short on pitchers, and due to the pitch count rules you have to develop pitchers. I think Logan has a little work to do, he gets a little wild, and Owen pitched well down the stretch.”
Two juniors will likely be the top two starters for Ferguson this season and they are twin brothers Ryan and Steven Krpan. After that there are several guys that could see the mound who had a good amount of innings logged last season. The Saints are scheduled to begin the 2020 season June 16th at Lamoni.