Construction will soon begin on a fiber optic network stretching to every corner of the Pella City Limits. Two years ago, Pella citizens overwhelmingly approved forming Pella Fiber with a 92% support level. This past April, the Pella City Council approved a construction contract with Excel Utility to construct a fiber optic network within the community, encompassing approximately 72 miles.
“We are excited to work with Excel on this project that will continue throughout the year. Initially, you’ll see our construction teams in Zones 7 & 8, North of Monroe street and periodic progress updates will be given at pellafiber.com and on the Pella Fiber Facebook page,” said Doy Ousley, Telecommunications Director.
Keetah Dodson with Pella Fiber says the service will provide gigabit internet speeds along with video and voice services to all residents and businesses. Excel plans to begin construction on this network in early June and is tentatively scheduled to complete the project by the end of this year.
While construction begins in June, Pella community members have not yet missed the chance to sign up for a site survey. This pre-registration includes a drop permission form which gives the City of Pella the approval to run an underground fiber line to an address. Site survey sign up is at pellafiber.com.
Pella Fiber is a municipal utility managed by the City of Pella offering internet, phone and TV service.