The Indianola City Council met in regular session Monday evening. The council gave direction to city staff regarding the reopening of city buildings and facilities, with City Parks and restrooms opening today. City of Indianola staff recommended the closure of the Indianola Aquatic Center for the remainder of the summer, citing safety concerns, as well as projected lower use and rising costs to maintain. Full refunds will begin for residents who have already purchased a summer pass or swimming lessons. The council also heard the plan from Library Director Michele Patrick for the plan to reopen the Library, targeting a date of June 15th.
The council approved the nomination of Jeromy Pribil to the Planning and Zoning Commission, determined a nuisance exists at 505 W 2nd Ave, approved an annexation request and set a public hearing date of July 6th for the request, and approved a rezoning request from a mixed residential to planned residential district 5-1 with councilwoman Gwen Schroder voting against. The council also discussed a special city council meeting regarding claims, and will have one on June 24th.