City of Indianola employees presented the Indianola City Council with their plan to open up several facilities and services to the community at their most recent meeting. City Manager Ryan Waller tells KNIA News the plan opens up several areas to the public.
“City playgrounds, restrooms, shelters, skate parks, pickleball courts, amphitheater, those are all open today (June 2nd). Pickard and Moats Parks are open to practices, with games and tournaments available on June 13th. Organizers are responsible for making sure social distancing and other guidelines are followed.”
The plan also includes an outline for the opening of the Indianola Public Library, which is targeting a date of June 15th to allow the public inside, the Indianola Activity Center remains closed due to Governor Reynolds direction until at least June 17th, and the Indianola Aquatic Center will remain closed for the remainder of the summer.