
The Pella Community Food Shelf is serving clients from the Market again at The Well after closing for several weeks due to COVID-19. Staff is posting rules/regulations to comply with and working on a strategy to keep all at the location safe.

Those needing assistance can stop into The Market or utilize the drive-thru style service that’s been in place since March 31st.

The Pella Community Food Shelf is respecting social distancing rules and implementing a limited number of people inside.
1- everyone who goes inside to the Market must wear a mask.
2- Limit to one person per family for pick up in the Market
3-Please be aware that additional instruction will be provided at Registration
4- Enter through Door 2 only. Exit through Door 3 only.

Pella Community Food Shelf Director Melissa Zula says ongoing community support is needed, as they have seen a significant uptick in demand for supplies and food.
The Pella Community Food Shelf is open to all in the area, and open on Tuesdays from 8-9:30 AM and 6-7 PM at The Well.