
There is no better time than now for incoming high school seniors to start looking at and applying to colleges if they want to continue their education. Indianola High School Counselor Jori Coghlan tells KNIA News some of the best advice she can give to students who are having trouble deciding where to apply or attend, is to just go out and visit.

“I always say to take a look at a big school like Iowa or Iowa State, take a look at some of our private colleges like the one right here in Indianola with Simpson, and to take a look at a mid-level school like Northwest Missouri State, it’s good to just go out and look. I can’t suggest enough to get the process started as fast as possible. It sneaks up on you, and all of a sudden it’s your senior year and you haven’t thought about it. Get that process started early.”

Coghlan also said any high school counselor will help and provide resources for students if they need them, and can walk them through what they need to know. For more information, tune in to today’s Let’s Talk Indianola.