During the most recent Knoxville School Board meeting Monday the board received a presentation regarding the new middle school project. The board was shown conceptual drawings of what the new middle school could look like as well as proposed layouts of the inside and outside of the building. Knoxville School’s Superintendent Cassi Pearson tells KNIA/KRLS News it’s always great for everyone when they can finally see something real. She says being able to have a Google map and an actual layout of buildings, parking lots, courtyards and everything else is very exciting for everyone.
During the public forum regarding the project concerns regarding traffic congestion and parking became a main priority of the attendees. Pearson says the district has addressed some of those concerns. She says as of now West Elementary parents will drop off at West Elementary, however all the bus parking to include dropping off and picking up students will happen on Park Lane and that will be the only location in which buses will be. Pearson says having buses in one location should eliminate a lot of congestion.
Pearson says there is still plenty of work to be done regarding the project with more presentations to be expected but she says everyone should be excited to see progress being made.