
In two weeks from today the Knoxville Public Library’s Summer Reading Program will come to an end. This year’s program had to be shortened and modified as the library continues to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. Children’s Librarian Holly Shelford tells KNIA/KRLS News what families need to do to make sure children receive prizes for the reading they did over the summer. Shelford says reading logs must be turned in by Friday, July 10th and must include the child’s name and the recorded times in which they read. She says if families didn’t use a reading log and instead used a plain piece of paper to log their reading time, that will work just the same. Shelford says one thing that is different this year than past years is that she will assemble all the prize bags to be handed out on certain days that are assigned for participants to pick up prizes as the library does not want all the children and families that took part in the program to come in to the library at the same time to pick up prizes. 

Prize pick up days for the Summer Reading Program will take place on July 13th through the 15th. Children with last names starting with A through I will pick up prizes on the 13th, J through R on the 14th and S through Z on the 15th. To hear the complete interview with Children’s Librarian Holly Shelford regarding the Summer Reading Program, tune in to today’s Let’s Talk Knoxville.