Central College’s Central RED Society will present “The World of Bats” at 7 p.m. Tuesday, July 14. The event is free via Zoom at centralcollege.zoom.us/j/98158831865.
Russ Benedict, professor of biology at Central, will discuss all things bats during the Zoom video event. Topics include: different types of bats found in the world and Iowa; how fast a bat’s heart beats in flight; the economic value of bats; and bats and their connection to the COVID-19 pandemic. Benedict has been studying bats in the Midwest and tropics since 1988. He has had numerous research publications on bats, often co-written with Central students. Most recently, his research has focused on endangered and threatened bats in Iowa. Benedict has taught biology at Central since 2002.
Central RED (Ready to Engage and Discover) is a volunteer-driven, lifelong learning and social organization with an abiding partnership with Central College alumni and friends who wish to share knowledge, talents and experiences. Members pay $20 annually to join Central RED.
No affiliation with Central College is required to join Central RED. For more information, visit central.edu/red or contact Mary Benedict at benedictm@central.edu or 641-628-7641.