Freedom For Youth Ministries is expanding in Indianola, with a plan to open a site in the near future. Angie Gentry with Freedom For Youth Ministries tells KNIA News the Marion County Freedom For Youth is located in Knoxville, and serves much of the county with weekly programs for 6th through 12th grade students, such as gardening, woodshop, and market classes at local farmer’s markets. Gentry said the Indianola location has had what they call a Freedom Quest event, which serves as an introduction and outreach event to introduce themselves to the area, with another event planned for the future with a date yet to be determined. Freedom for Youth Ministries delivers and supports through training and curriculum after-school and summer programs to Iowa more than 500 youth in 29 locations across 21 Iowa counties. Freedom For Youth was recently featured on In Depth with Dr. Bob Leonard. To listen to the full interview, go to this story on KNIAKRLS.com.