The City of Indianola allows fireworks to be lit off within city limits around the 4th of July holiday. According to the City of Indianola Fireworks Ordinance, fireworks may be lit off on July 3rd and 5th from 9:00am to 10:00pm, and July 4th from 9am to 11pm. Indianola Police Captain Brian Sher tells KNIA News many of the calls the department responds to on the 4th of July have to do with fireworks being lit off after the allowed time, and he hopes people will adhere to the code as the department will be enforcing it. Additionally, fireworks are not allowed to be discharged at private parks, private campgrounds, cemeteries, or sidewalks, regardless of ownership, or within 200 yards of any school, hospital, nursing homes, veterinary clinics, animal shelter or utility.