With this year’s Iowa legislative session wrapping up a few weeks ago, State Representative Jon Thorup tells KNIA/KRLS News he is happy with how the session turned out despite all the difficult circumstances. He says the session was odd and kind of awkward and believes in the entire history of the legislature there was never a time where lawmakers couldn’t get together and pass laws. He says this was the first time that he believes the legislators couldn’t convene like normal but he says despite the awkwardness he is still happy they were eventually able to get together, get bills passed and get the budgets set.
Thorup says he believes one of the hardest things to deal with when the session began again for all legislators was that no clerks were allowed when the session resumed due to the required social distancing and safety precautions. He says without the clerks there it slowed down the process some and made legislators learn more things the clerks already know. To hear the complete interview with Representative Thorup, tune in to today’s Let’s Talk Knoxville.