With all the additional safety precautions, social distancing recommendations, new cleaning procedures, and a partial suspension of the softball season, the Indianola High School summer sports season went well according to Indianola Activities Director Lee Nelson, with students and parents staying safe while getting through the regular season. Nelson tells KNIA News it was the Indianola community that made this possible through them being able to follow the recommendations.
“This was a big responsibility for everyone involved, players, fans, coaches, parents, to be safe so we can make this last as long as possible. We’ve seen quite a few teams have to shut down, we had that a bit on the softball side. But I think the expectation is remembering that this is about the kids this summer, and how can we make it a great experience for them in a different time that we are used to.”
Nelson also said Indianola is blessed with facilities that make it easy for people to social distance while also being able to view the games.