The Pella School Board received details about return to learn plans in a hybrid model by building at their meeting Monday. Outgoing Board Member Gregg Gustafson was recognized at the beginning of the meeting.
The board reviewed procedures that could mix on-site and off-site learning, and how it fits into the district’s overall objectives and manual going forward. Superintendent Greg Ebeling says the vast majority of parents intend to have their students participate with in-person education this fall. There will be several meetings with families who intend to keep their kids home for remote learning, as approximately 120 students will be starting the school year with an online option. Ebeling also wants to make sure students who are old enough to work understand that the remote learning option is required this time.
Ebeling says in general, the key is to avoid “doses” of COVID-19 according to Marion County Public Health, and as long as six feet of distance is maintained and close contact is reduced to 15 minutes or less at a time, they should be able to have classes close to normal. Also at the meeting, the board discussed potential face covering or shield requirements for students and other safety protocols for the upcoming fall semester. Superintendent Greg Ebeling says the district is now leaning towards requiring masks for all staff and when students are in situations where they can’t be distanced, such as on a bus–which comes following a recommendation from Pella Regional Health Center and updated guidance from the Centers from Disease Control and Prevention (see excerpt from Return to Learn below:)
“Health and Safety Goals
– This plan will provide a safer work environment for both students and staff in an on-site learning environment
– It will be impossible to mitigate all risk for students and staff in an on site learning environment therefore, we will target the needs of high risk students and staff and accommodate for their needs
– We will take common sense precautions to increase the general level of safety for students and staff without risk factors
Helpful Precautions
– Frequent hand washing or use of hand sanitizer is taught and reinforced.
– Students are highly encouraged to wear a mask at school and masks are required in some classes. Masks will be required on buses.
– Staff members are required to wear masks.
– Drinking fountains are turned off, but we will allow water bottles and fill stations.
– Parents are asked to do a health screening at home before their child comes to school. If there are any unhealthy indicators, the child needs to stay at home.
– “Dosage” equates to being within six feet of an infected person or item for 15 minutes. Our passing times are five minutes or less which helps limit possible exposure according to Marion County Public Health.
– Staggered passing times, when possible, can also help alleviate congestion in hallways between classes. This will vary between buildings.
– Frequent cleaning procedures will be part of the daily routine in classrooms and frequently touched surfaces around the buildings.
– The air exchange rate in our school buildings is almost three times what is required by OSHA which will provide more movement of air in each building.”
Administratrion also discussed the general rules of quarantining and incorporating a hybrid class room model for groups of grade levels, some of which could include alternating days for students to be in-person and off-site, reaching a certain threshold before sending classrooms of students home for self-isolation, and other factors to consider that are outlined in the district’s Return to Learn manual. Additionally, discussion was held regarding the future of the After School Kids Klub and time for the board to meet new teachers.